Starting my No Contact Today ! Trying to get over him ; wish me luck ❤️!

Alexis • Walk by faith & Not by sight 💕 22 ; Pregnant with First Child 👶🏾
So after 6 years after a On and off again toxic relationship with my ex I've finally decided it's time to stop letting him treat me like crap and move on . I'm 8 months pregnant with his child and he has continued to disrespect me . One night I was so overwhelmed with my pregnancy emotions that I texted him two long messages begging him to come back so we can be a family. He never responded. So yesterday I decided I'm no longer stalking his Facebook, driving past his house or texting him constantly.  I'm On Day 2 and even though I cry sometimes and it hurts like hell . It'll get better overtime. Wish me luck ladies with my 33 day no contact! ❤️