Life after my suicide attempt

Late nights like these I think.. deeply..

What if medical professionals hadn't saved me..? What if I didn't get to meet all of these wonderful people..? How could I have ever given up on my future..?

From ages 13 to 16, I was in an abusive relationship. Mental, verbal, sexual abuse, any and every kind. I did not have a healthy home life either, which prompted me staying with him.

I reported him and went through court cases and trials at 16, alone, since my parents wanted 0 part of it. They didn't allow me to get to therapy or on an antidepressant until later, 9 months later to be exact.

January 2016 was very difficult. Bullying at school was extreme and my grandma just passed. I overdosed on my antidepressants and woke up, thinking nothing happened. I rememeber feeling dizzy and going in the bathroom, and that was my last memory.

I apparently passed out, had 7 seizures, and spent the next 16 days in the ICU, in which I have absolute 0 memory of. An RN wrote this note to me while I was unconscious in the ICU, "But the fighter still remains..." I have it framed in my room as a reminder to always keep going.

Fast forward nearly 2 years: I am now 19.

I graduated from highschool got accepted into college, passed the nursing entrance exam, and am now in nursing school. I have meet some of the MOST amazing people in the past 4 months even. People who have changed my life, forever. My best friend. And everyone in between. I am living my dream every single day. And still cannot believe I tried to end this.

My nearly 2 years of my second chance at life has been absolutely humbling. You could get in a car accident tomorrow, you don't know when your last day is. Make this day count.

And never, EVER, give up.