My bf found out he has a child

And it’s been causing so much stress. The little boy isn’t a problem. It’s the way my bf has been acting towards me about it. Ugh sorry this will be long I just need to vent. I’ve been with my boyfriend a year and a half. We live together, we have a 3 year old that he’s helping me raise, we’re talking about Marriage and trying for another baby.. well we found out a couple months ago that he has a possible child in state custody. After the paternity test proved that it’s his son we had to move out of our apartment into a bigger house so that we can have room when they decide to let us bring him home.

Well my boyfriend did not help me pack and move at all because he had to work. He hasn’t helped unpack anything because hes been working more hours than me. Yet he’s been bitching and calling me lazy because I don’t have everything done. He keeps accusing me of taking my time to keep his son from being able to come home with us. I offered to just throw everything in the garage closet so that DCF can do a walk through of the house and see if it’s fit but he told me that was a stupid idea and that I can just unpack every day after work. I’m honestly not used to him treating me like this. He’s always been so loving and kind so understand this is killing me.

When he first found out about his son he was shocked but we both became excited so quickly! We get to visit him twice a week and when we get our house together we get to start home visits to get him used to everything. We’re so excited but feeling so much pressure. My boyfriend has been so rude lately and idk why. I’m not used to him talking down on me and I’m not sure if its just the stress or if this has somehow ruined us? but I can’t take it anymore. I cant do everything. I work too and I have a toddler and he’s in school which involves a lot more. Honestly thinking about calling the relationship quits and just asking

Him to move out but I feel like I’m failing

His son. I feel so weighed down. My options are to

1. stay here where I’m no longer happy, keep pretending I’m not depressed and take the verbal abuse so that his son can have a stable life


2. Walk away and not help that poor child. He needs a loving mommy and he has a long road of recovery. I can’t bring myself to leave him