All suggestions welcome


Hi all

My son is one and has a cough we’ve gotten the little remedies cough medicine that includes honey for him (at one honey is ok to give in a small amount) but idk I’m a little impatient I want my baby better already. Lol. Anyways I was wanting to know what everyone does or has done for their baby during that time. Whether it is home remedies or medicines. All suggestions are welcome, couple of other things as well..I have sat with him in the bathroom for the steam a couple of times. Unfortunately a fan also comes on with the light so don’t know if that may not have worked as well because of that. I have yet to get an humidifier because obvi we don’t have one. I’ve seen the baby rub (Vicks) should be age two I believe; if I remember correctly, but I don’t think I’m gonna use that. While I was pregnant & had an sinus infection my doctor didn’t really trust me using that stuff on myself so I don’t think that’s an option. This is my first child & I don’t have much experience dealing with a sick child so I appreciate your replies

Thank you!