Is this reasonable?

Kara • Married 🇨🇦 SAHM Girl 09/09/16 -x- Boy 08/29/19 Waiting to TTC #3

I have a 14 month old daughter. She has been high needs from the second day of her life. I have ALWAYS followed her lead. I breastfeed on demand, I held her for every nap for 11 months, we bedshare and we spent A LOT of time pacing and rocking and crying together. Now she is napping on her own, putting herself to sleep with me just laying beside her and she will play for 10mins or so on her own. My problem is she still breastfeeds constantly. During the day that's fine but she also wakes up 3 times a night, I work from home and I'm so tired! I decided to push her 3am feed (feeds at 12,3,5) to 5am and try to drop one feed. That's all I need. Last night was the first night and she SCREAMED from 3-5. Is this an unreasonable goal? It's the first time I've tried to force something before she's ready.