Pinching/bruised feeling in my right love handle/back during AF (super light af) have you experienced this?


So this month, my period changed completely and I only had one heavy day and the rest has been all extremely light.

I’m currently on day five and I have these pinching type feeling in my right love handle. I did do leg day yesterday and I need to go to the store and get regular tampons cause I only have ultra and super at the moment (normally I’m use to using those sizes since my periods are usually like having a period for five so I was not expecting to be only needing regulars).

I feel as if it’s built up gas or soreness from working out. Just started last night after coming home from the gym so perhaps it’s from the gym. I also got extremely nauseous before I went to the gym and still am, sorta feel like I’m coming down with a sore throat.

If I had to rate the pain level it would be 6 out of ten.

Anyone else experience this?

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