cheated on ..

I just found out my "boyfriend" my 3 month old baby's father is cheating on me. I just saw a girl message him to come over her house. I messaged her and she showed me all the stuff he said about me. I'm just the girl he got pregnant. Yet he has tried to meet up with her since our son was born until today. I'm so hurt. My gut was telling me the whole time but he made me seem like I'm the crazy one that doesn't trust him. He would always hide his phone he would go to the bathroom for long times he hasn't touched me since I was 20 weeks. I've done so much for him and clearly he doesn't appreciate it. My family accepted him in our home they helped him when he was in need. I didn't know what to do last night slap him cry scream or what I was just cold and shaking. I always wanted a family but i guess I will just have to raise my son on my own.