my birth story sorry long post


Halloween night, my husband got off early and met me at work. We went to his grandparents house and got our daughter dressed. It was her first year trick or treating so we wanted to make it special. After We get home my daughter goes to bed and I take a shower. my husband and I go to bed as well, I was feeling great and everything was perfect. I wake up around 2:20 to go pee as usual then climb back into bed. I start falling back asleep and start to feel wet. I freak out because I've made it through two pregnancies and have yet to pee myself this was not going to be the first time. I stand up and and water gushes everywhere, I ran to the bathroom and it happens again. I'm still thinking I peed myself so I jump in the shower and text my mom asking if it was possible for my water to break at 36 weeks, she says yes so I woke my husband and drove to the hospital. They hook me up and confirm my water broke. By now it's about 3:30am and we have to wait on my midwife to get there. I was feeling great no contractions at all so they tell me to walk for an hour or more. My midwife got there at 8:00 am to check me. I'm only one centimeter dilated but she was feeling the babies butt so she gets an ultrasound machine to confirm and grab the obgyn on call. They tell me they want to try the external version and gave me and epidural. Before the doctors come back I start to get hot and feel dizzy, they check my blood pressure and it had to dropped to the 60's. they gave me some medicine and I start to feel better. The doctors come back and gave me the medicine to relax my uterus to turn the baby and my blood pressure dropped again. They get that taken care of and start turning. They get her halfway turned and I start to feel wet, I thought my catheter fell out and I was peeing myself to I told them to stop that I was peeing myself and they needed to fix it. My husband looked under the blanket and said it wasn't pee and I was bleeding, the doctors stopped and decided to do an emergency c section. They grab some clothes for my husband and wheel me back. I'm crying because this is not what I wanted and I was devastated. They make the first cut and start pulling I feel nothing at this point besides the pulling and I'm relaxed. Six minutes later they pull my beautiful baby girl out and then inform me they had to extend the incision anduse the vacuum because her head was to big to fit. 11/01/2017 She came out a healthy 5 lbs 14 oz and 18 1/2 inches long being four weeks early. We had to stay for four days because she couldn't regulate her blood sugar but once she was stable we came home and she's just absolutely perfect♥️

after her first bath at the hospital

Now she's two weeks old. 😍