periods, cramps, alternative solutions!?

I used to get really bad cramps, used to 😉 its a great feeling the first time in your life getting your period and not experiencing pain and wanting to rip everything out! So I have a question for all you ladies out there. How do you deal with major cramps or what have you done that you have found effective? Personally, I lost a lot of weight and am within the middle of my recomended bmi, and lost most of the major issues I had with my period. I also watch what I eat, especially a week before my period. I slow up on bread and wheat, dairy, and caffeine. I've also been told to take vitamin c a day or so before and drink raspberry leaf tea the week leading up to and during. A tea that I've really liked is mighty Aphrodite from David's tea. After all this, no more cramps!!!! 😄😀😃 I used to pass out and shake like mad mine were so bad. You can say I can be a bit hippie, but I want to know any alternative things you do with regards to cramps and/or your periods.