I Love my Mother but I HATE Mothers Day ()


I love my mother and I try to do something nice for her every year on Mothers Day. I try to not be around people because I always am very emotional. I hate people saying "Happy Mothers Day" to me because Im not. I know they are trying to be polite and nice but they don't understand. My mother tries but she can't understand either. I feel less than. ... less than a person, less than a woman. Completely aggrivated and angry at people who seem to have children just because. ...

My sister in law had 4 children and she spends literally no time with them.

Im not saying all mothers are like that, I know they are not. .. I know tgat for a number of people having their children took a lot of time and heart ache. ..

I just wish they would remember that not everyone who doesnt have children... its not because they dont want them.... they want them... I WOULD KILL FOR ONE... so please be considerate.

I don't even go to church anymore on Mothers Day because I just sit there and cry and feel like women are looking at me as if there is something wrong with me. .. that I am less than human and selfish..