First time mommy birth story!


So finally had a few minutes to write my birth story!

Pregnant with my first child I had been anxiously awaiting her arrival. I had dilated to a two at week 32 and all ultrasounds had indicated that she was a 99th percentile baby so my doctor gave me her educated guess that baby was going to be an early one. Man I wish she would have never said that because once I hit 36 weeks I wanted that baby out! It’s like the anticipation of her arrival in the last month and not knowing when she was coming had me on pins and needles.

Once I started my weekly check ups at 36 weeks the doctor said let’s get to 37 weeks and then anything is fair game as they knew she was a very big baby and I was dilated to a 3 now. Over Labor Day weekend I went to L&D; twice with timeable contractions and was sent home to my disappointment. On Tuesday September 5 I went to my 38 week appt and was now a 4 and having early labor and was still not ready to be admitted so she stripped my membranes and told me that she hoped that would do the trick. Immediately following I began having cramping that continued to the evening and I was just praying that my water would break! It didn’t but by midnight I thought ok again with the timeable contractions so we headed to L&D; at the request of the doctor. YET AGAIN, I was having contractions and strong ones but not enough to be admitted. I was completely defeated I just wanted to meet my baby girl. So the next day I stayed home from work and went to the store, all day I was having contractions spaced 20-25 min apart but nothing terrible. By 2 pm they were painful and in the back of my head I knew it was the real deal but refused to accept that after all the false alarms. I called my hubby and we had already had a scheduled ultrasound to check growth but i was refusing to believe it So we decided to head to the ultrasound and not L&D.; By the time we got to the hospital 45 min later I knew I was in labor but decided to head to ultrasound anyways. Pacing the lobby the nurse said are you ok? I responded well I think I am in labor but I am not getting sent home so I am not going until I know lol. She kindly told me that she wanted to walk with me and my husband to labor and delivery because she thought I was. We get to the check in desk and the waiting area is FILLED with people it must have been a full moon and by this point I am pacing and breathing and in clear discomfort but still doing pretty good! They get me in a room and check me and I am dilated to a 6! Holy moly!!

The nurse tells me you are being admitted and in disbelief I respond wait so I am not leaving this hospital again without a baby?! It was finally my turn! 45 min later I get a room and I decide to keep laboring without an epidural so that I could move around and use the birthing ball and tub. Let me also say I got to eat while in labor because I held off on the epidural and my cheese fries were delicious (see below) lol. It was great the nurses checked every so often on me and kept reassuring me when I was ready I could have meds. I labored till midnight and 7 cm and I was finally ready for meds so that I could get rest. The epidural was literally painless and so was everything after and i still felt in control! My labor slowed after this but the doctor said if I let them break my water it would get things moving so I did and boom I was ready to go! They called the doctor and I did a practice push and baby was coming. Once the doctor arrived I pushed 4 times and for 10 min and our little love Sawyer Elena! She arrived a beautiful chunky 8.5 pounds and 21 inches long and at 38 weeks on September 7th! My labor and delivery was how I had hoped even though I did end up with an episiotomy. Which let me tell you ladies no one prepared me for the after care of that once I got home and it was rough! She is an amazing nurser and overall I had a great L&D; experience!