Dog question!!

My husband and I adopted a dog 1 year ago (a golden retriever).

The dog very obviously loves my husband more than me... which is fine. I get annoyed with the dog easily. I am more of a cat person.

He is more excited to see my husband. Whines when my husband leaves. And will only listen to my husband, never to me... yet, the dog always lays with me in bed. I tend to go to bed earlier than my husband and it is without fail that he comes into the bed with me and stays with me the whole time. He refuses to go stay with my husband when I am in bed. So bizarre! It's most common when I go to bed, but we have noticed that he prefers to be in a room that I am in. Yet he loves my husband more? Lol Can anyone explain?

Ps: my husbands last dog did this too. He had the dog (a boxer) for 5 years before I came around. But, I know I was that dogs favorite 😉 so I figured that's why he followed me everywhere