Completely devastated

Lauren • God has blessed us with a precious little girl due on 7-16-16! 💗🎀👶🏼💕
Tuesday I found out I was pregnant and have never been so happy in all my life. Wednesday morning I started bleeding not heavy but enough to alarm me. Went to the OB and they did a urine test and I was negative ( I was beyond upset and my blood pressure sho through the roof cause I was so devastated) they did blood work to see if my HCG levels were indeed " pregnant positive" . They called me Thursday evening at 6:00 and said my levels were 14.7 which was low for me to be around 4 weeks pregnant. To come back tomorrow and get re tested. Well in the middle of the night last night I started hurting SO bad in my left side and cramping, severely  nauseous and scared out of my mind. Went to the hospital last night ( women's) they did a ultrasound, pelvic exam and blood work. My levels have dropped to a 13 which is more than likely been I'm going to start misscarrying any day now. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. Please keep me in your prayers!