Half way and not ok


Well, today marks the midway point in my pregnancy, and I spent most of the day crying in a panic because i can not imagine being pregnant for another 5 months.

I feel like I am getting more and more depressed as my pregnancy progresses.

I do not have a history of depression, but I feel like this may require some professional intervention.

Anyone out there had success with treating depression during pregnancy?

Update: my husband and I spoke, and we decided that this will be my only pregnancy and that we will adopt our second. An amazing thing happened... I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off of me!

I think unconsciously I was counting 5 months of this pregnancy plus 10 months for a sibling that we really want, and that doesn’t even take the conception nightmare into consideration ( we had multiple miscarriages)

I still spoke to my midwife, and I am going to go see their mental health pro just to be safe, but I feel like a different woman this week!