IVF Cancelled


Hi everyone, I am currently in my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle. I was on a gradual increased dose of Bemfola they started me on a very low dose, and started orgalutran on day 7. I had a total of 3 stim scans, I ended up with a total of 18 follicles but only one mature follicle measuring 19. The nurse and doctor told me that they would cancel this cycle as my body obviously wasn’t reacting to the drugs. I am so disappointed and absolutely shattered. We have have been ttc for two years and I was so excited to start this journey. My husbands count is extremely low at 0.2. They told me to take the trigger shot and go for it but told me highly unlikely to result in pregnancy. Now I need to wait until after Christmas before we can start the next cycle. Has anyone had this issue and been put on Gonal F and it worked better?