Should I️ just give up?

Casey • 2️⃣1️⃣ years old, 🙏🏼 & currently TTC for baby #1. ❤️👦🏽

Me & my partner have been TTC for over a year now, & I️ try to keep up with my cycles, just so I’ll be prepared for when I’m going to start. (I’m always paranoid I’m going to start at work or something & have a bleeding fest lol.) Anyway, we have had no luck yet. My partner feels he can’t have kids due to a hernia removal back when he was younger. I️ have no idea if that can cause any problems with conceiving or not. He told me his ex got pregnant when they were together, but she ended up having a miscarriage. So anytime we talk about having kids or AF comes along, and I️ bring up the fact that he got his ex pregnant, he always says “who knows if that was my child, she could have been cheating on me.” I️ hate he feels he can’t have kids, but what I️ try to remind him is, until the doctors tell you or God shows a sign you can’t have kids then we’ll go from there. We don’t try & have sex by the app. We just do it whenever we feel like it. I️ feel like we’re doing things wrong, or maybe because he used to smoke weed a lot that it hurt his sperm? I️ don’t know. 😰 I️ just need some useful tips on what we could possibly do or use to help conceive, build his sperm count, or help with my fertility.