Advice of Breastfeeding/baby weight.


So as of 4days ago I started drinking Gatorade. I have noticed more being more engorged..yay. Any how my newborn (1mon 5days) has come down with a cold from her big sister. She had been 50/50 with formula and breast milk. She has been nursing more frequently since being sick and not even taking a bottle after nursing..Makes me feel great except when I weighed her. She has lost 5oz since Monday afternoon. She has had 6+ wet diapers a day and poops e/o day a large amount. Am I not making enough milk for her? Maybe it's just her cold? I want to do what's best for her but the small weight loss makes me feel defeated!!! I will add she eats off of me for about 10-15min per breast on average. She was taking 2oz of formula after feeding up until becoming sick. Now she is drinking maybe 4oz a day total? Advice? Ideas? Please!!