Help!! I'm not out til I'm OUT?! Right?AF STAY AWAY!!


I know this is long but please follow along!!

So October was the first month that my hubby and I were really on the same page.. we decided to BD every other day in my window (oct 30-nov 5) and I also bought a bbt thermometer per hubby's advice!

I was supposed to O on nov 4 but on oct 31 I had a sharp pain on my left side signaling maybe I would O early. I hadn't been tracking via Opk but had a test at home and that night got a solid smiley on my clear blue digital opk test! At that point, we BD'd on oct 28 and oct 29 skipped the 30th and after the positive opk, we bd that night on oct 31 and again on nov 1. My bbt dipped and has been elevated ever since after I O'd.

When I logged the positive opk on the <a href="">glow app</a> it moved my AF start time to nov 15. I also have another app and it moved AF to nov 18.

During the 2ww I've had a few symptoms...about 6-7dpo I had this gurgling in my stomach... it was so loud and I wasn't hungry either. Could be nothing but it was noticeable. Hubby even heard it not to mention people in a meeting at work lol.

On 9dpo this past Saturday 11/11 after dinner, I had a sharp AF like pain and when I went to the bathroom I had brown spotting. (Could this have been implantation bleeding??) I couldn't hold out and took a test that night...BFN. I had brown spotting the next day on Sunday too but then it stopped... and AF didn't come.

My other app told me I could test 2 days later on Monday 11dpo which is 5 days before it said expected AF and when I tested it was again a BFN. My temps have remained high in the 98s.

Glow was wrong about AF coming on the 15th. So now I am waiting for AF to hopefully not show tmrw on the 18th according to my other app. And I guess also waiting on a dip in my bbt.

It would be so awesome to see a BFP! But it's hard to think positive when I've already seen two BFN at 9dpo and 11dpo.

Pleaseee let this be my month!!

UPDATE: BBT dropped to 97 something this morning so AF is on her way. Oh well.. on to next month!