the butterflies in my tummy have turned to pterodactyls.


My hubby and I have tried to conceive for 6 months now. We recently stopped trying due to him having surgery on the 3rd. We had some "fun" on the 2nd as the doctor said he won't be able to "perform" for 6 weeks. My period is NEVER late. It's often early. 1 day or so. but never since I started when I was 13 have I been late. Even when I had my first daughter I had my period for 4 months into the pregnancy. Today though, I am late. Okay it's only 8 am but usually I start at night. and I have cramping prior to bleeding. No cramping, no light spotting last night. Just had to freak out a little bit. If it doesn't start tonight I may go buy a test.