Real talk bodi posi!


When i scroll through the feed i see a load of women posting photos of themselves in there most valuable forms. They ask the audience if they are "too fat or too skinny" must i mention how i hate those 2 words. Lets say something! I say real bodiposi doesn't start by asking ones personal opinion of too thin or too thick. Only your opinion matters and i hope to see more women asking if they like they look good with that smile on. Now let me tell you some things about me. I am 18, female, 5'8 standing tall and my weight is 118lbs. Im not posting photos because I'm typing this in the car but id like to encourage more ladies too show their beauty by showing some love to their bodies and inner selfs not just feeding from the opinions of sheep because it can only come from within. Also i was really reluctant to post this but Thx for reading lovely's. So come on Girls lets see more bodies gettin real bodyposi. #bodypositivity. One ❤️