I've done this to myself before but...


Ladies, I'm experiencing nausea, bloating, headaches, heartburn, back aches, and muscle spasms near my tummy.

My first test came back positive though it was at 5 dpo.

The second one was taken by my doctor (pee test) and he said it was negative at about 9 dpo.

I took the third yesterday and it didn't show any promises at 12 dpo.

Yeah, I know it's quite early to be testing it just stresses me out a lot not knowing because I have medications that could hurt my pregnancy so I need to know as soon as possible.

My doctors office doesn't have a lab so that's why I haven't done a blood test yet and I don't know if the hospital will take me just for a blood test.

I do experience nausea regularly with my cycle but it seems to be incredibly intense. Could y'all shed some light on any of this?