Visitors after labor

Emma • 💖10/12 💙06/15 👶 04/18
Are yall going to be strict about visitors? I've had friends who didn't even mention being in labor or anything. They waited until after the baby was born.
 I feel like I'm crazy for wanting to announce it to the world! The positive thoughts and love expressed during is amazing to me! I had 3 people in the room during delivery, then after my 3 brothers came in with my dad and stepdaughter. After that my husbands fire department came to visit haha! I felt so much love for myself and my new daughter! I plan on doing the same with this delivery. The support really helped me during my hard labor last time. 
What's your plan? Keep it secret? Tell the world? 
(Only thing I'm picky about is hand washing and having your shots! Haha)