Zoloft affecting Period? (UPDATE)

I started taking the generic form of Zoloft, Sertraline, 2 weeks ago for depression and anxiety. My period is currently 5 days late. Has anyone ever had a late/missed period while on Zoloft or Sertraline?

Background information: This month has been incredibly stressful. My mom was diagnosed with cancer, I found out I need to have surgery in less than a month, and I’m starting a new job Monday. I’m sure all of this is delaying my period as well. My boyfriend and I used a condom the only time we had sex this month. He finished in the condom but we checked the condom after for leaks and everything was fine. Also, I was on the last day of my period, so there was some blood.

Please let me know if you’ve had anything similar happen while taking an antidepressant. Or if you’ve had a similar situation and how it worked out for you. Thank you!

UPDATE: I took a pregnancy test last night and it immediately came back negative. I’m going to wait another week and take another one if my period still hasn’t come.