Pre af symptoms or early pregnancy? Help please trying for my rainbow baby!


This cycle I ovulated 3 days earlier than normal, lucky I done a opk otherwise I would of missed... need advise on these days since ovulation

1 DPO - nothing just little cramps from ovulation

2 DPO- nothing just creamy cm sorry for TMI

3 DPO- started a yeast infection, stomach cramps, tiered

4 DPO- still YI but only mild, pressure on lower stomach

5 DPO- mild YI in morning by night had gone, mild cramps, started suffering with insomnia

6 DPO- YI still gone (thank god) creamy cm, cramps, extremely sleepy

7 DPO- same as 6 dpo

8 DPO- sharp pain in groin area on right side going down my leg only lasted 5 minutes, still little twinges of sharp pain every so often, mild cm, really tiered, moody and emotional..

Someone please help!