Why am I still not over this?


I’m having trouble getting over something... I had a wonderful pregnancy experience with my son. Never sick, everything was SO good, then one day I’m feeling dizzy and lose vision in my right eye. I go to the eye doctor and she says I had a pin stroke. So she sends me to my family doctor who checks me out and makes an appointment for me to see a neurologist (2 Days after he due date of my son). So I’m home and everything is okay for a few days. Then I get to feeling flushed and weak. So I take my blood pressure and it’s 179/116 👀👀 So I go to the ER. Next thing I know they’re monitoring me in labor and delivery and here comes my OB. He says “you’ve gotta go to louisville.” So after a VERY LONG AND TRAUMATIC experience trying to get my son here safely (too much detail to go into at this point), he came at 4lb 10 oz. I did everything I had to to get him here safely and that meant making a lot of tough decisions. My husband was supportive of them all and was with me every step of the way. But here I am 5 months pp and still not okay mentally. I can’t get over the trauma we went through to birth him. After laboring 20+ hours they ended up doing a c-section because my blood pressure kept going up and my son got “lazy” (sleepy) and wouldnt cooperate. I laid there with needles in me, hooked up to machines and catheter for dayssss. No food. Nothing. I just can’t move on. Everyone always says “he’s here and healthy be blessed! And I am so happy he’s here. But I need to get better now. But how?