Mother in laws🙄

Chandler ‱ Maybe just happyđŸŒ»

I usually consider myself easy going, but now I don’t know if I’m over reacting or not😅

Me and my fiancĂ© have been together 3 years and have a beautiful (almost) 2 year old, anyways my mother in law has seen her “MAYBE” 5 times since she was born.

Mind you she lives 10 minutes away. She is 42 and in perfect health, so really no excuse. Right?

When she has came around all she talks about is how “big” and “huge” my baby is. And how beautiful her other grand baby is (who is only 2 weeks older than my daughter) “Brittney is so pretty, like oh my gosh, I’m truly so blessed. She is the prettiest thing I have ever seen... blah blah blah” mean while my baby is sitting right beside her. She will literally just wave or say hey Tatum.

It annoys the shit out of me. Like B*tch you are blessed with two grand babies, not one!!!

Anddd the last time she was over she kept on saying “Ashley is going to be so mad at me for being over here and seeing y’all, blah blah” (Ashley is my fiancĂ© sister and her other granddaughters mother) I’m like who gives a shit , what the hell is wrong with you dysfunctional people🙄😒 but of course I didn’t say that.

Anyways I can ignore all that considering we don’t see her often and I like to keep the peace, but the last 2 months she has texted my fiancĂ© every week saying.. I’m coming over this weekend to see you and Tatum.. she never shows and then texts him some bs like I have to go shopping or this and that.. I can tell it freaking breaks his heart.

I’m starting to get really fed up..

I don’t want to say something and make it worse but at the same time I want to tell her the F off.

Lol sorry it’s long but any advice? 🙃

Also my kid ain’t huge!!

UPDATE: today my family is having our Thanksgiving because of my grandma being sick, and my fiancĂ© just invited his mom🙄 And she is acting like she is coming😭😭😭 Last time she came to my family’s house she made 3 big plates to go for his sister and her husband...(that hate me and my family) all before anyone even got a plate. Than she sat there and took selfies the whole time. I’m so upset and now my fiancĂ© is upset because I told him to not invite her.