How do I handle this???

Firstly, I truly hope I don't come across as selfish or unfair. I'm truly upset and don't know how else to vent. Here's a little background info. My husband is a manager at a local grocery store and around the holiday seasons, he gets very busy at work. Today, for example, he worked 13 hours. Though he usually doesnt work more than an 11 even around the holidays, he does work a ton. He's very good at what he does and might be a tad of a workaholic.. just a little. He feels strongly about me being a stay at home wife, especially with some of the health issues I'm facing at this time. I'm very blessed he allows fjor me to just stay at home and take care of housework/errands. It also works better for our relationship, however, the last four to five months our sex life is almost nonexistent. We have only been married for a little over a year (together for 4) and we're in our early twenties. So today I reluctantly decided to bring up my concern and frustration with the lack of intimacy and sex. Usually he is pretty sensitive to my feelings and concerns but not on this topic. For the lack of better words, he snapped on me. All his frustrations about the situation came out at once and it basically came down to the fact he's too tired and too busy with work AND school to participate with me that way. I feel so unattractive and hurt I ended up in tears. The understanding part of me wants to kick my own butt for being upset when he's such a great man and provider but the other half of me is ripping with desperation for intimacy or atleast some flirting. An open relationship is not an option. It seems the topic is not open for discussion with him either. After two attempts at discussing this, both ending horribly i feel like it may be best to just suck it up. Im too young and too *tmi* damn desperate to have a sexless marriage. Any suggestions ladies..? Also, am I in fact being selfish? Thank you in advance for the help! ♡♡