My mother


So my mom is... interesting. We have a strange relationship and my friends can never relate. So my parents have been divorced for a long time now and my mom is a recovering alcoholic. We used to get along just fine until I reached high school. Now she always comments on each little thing I do. I cut my hair short and when she saw it for the first time she said “Awe look at my cute little BOY!” That was just the beginning of it all. I went shopping for a swim suit with her last summer and when I tried one on and showed her she said “Dammit daisy you need to do fucking sit-ups” talk about brutal. Lately she has just been saying more and more of these comments. I want to be close to my mother like my other friends are with theirs, but if I do I feel like it will damage my mental state. I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?