Pregnancy Possibility?


ok guys, so I have been on the mini pill for about 2 months. There have been a couple occasions where I have forgotten to take my pill 1 or 2 days in a row. When I forget we usually use a condom as backup but not always. All this week I have had some pregnancy symptoms but I am also sick a some may be due to that...I've had an earache, sore throat,coughing, runny nose...which im sure is all because im sick but then I have also had an increased appetite, been more tired than usual, had some stomach cramping, had hot flash but no temp, and then around 2 this morning I woke up feeling like I was going to throw up. My period is due in 3 days and when I looked back on my colander we had sex 2 or 3 of my fertile days. What's my likelihood of pregnancy? Or am I just having regular symptoms of being sick and being paranoid?