Incompetent Cervix

Khilana • Cool Momma. 7/10/14👧🏽9/10/17👼🏽💜 One in Heaven & One on Earth 🌏 Due 11/07/19 with my Second Rainbow baby 🤰🏼🌈 I trust you lord !!! This is it 💕

On September 10th 2017 I lost my daughter at 22+3 due to an incompetent cervix. At my 20 week check up the dr noticed my cervix was measuring 2.6 instead of about 4+ cm he ordered me bed rest. On 9/3/17 I was rushed to the ER due to bulging membrane & leaking fluid, I was 100% effaced and 3 cm dilated, the goal was to keep my daughter inside hopefully longer than 23 weeks cause then I could get the steroid shot and her chances of life would’ve been greater. What I though was a positive outcome turned into a nightmare on 9/10 I started feeling achy around 6:00 am and sure enough I was in full blown labor by 12:00pm my daughter Khennedi, was born at 1:38pm and she passed shortly after at 2:25pm the worst day of my life, absolutely heart breaking. I know I can’t be the only woman who has an “incompetent cervix” but I have yet to connect with woman who do, if you have lost a child to incompetent cervix can you please share with me your story ? God Bless ❤️