Acceptable or not?!

In summary: SO is seriously into electronics/gaming/computers/toys (really)/graphic tees. 
We are moving into a new place that has sufficient space for us- if we share. He wants a man cave and is resentful if I use it for OUR baby's nursery (due in a few months). So I told him to have it to keep all his controls and cables and clutter from being spread throughout the house. 
Next, the garage is "his" space so I can't use it to store OUR things and de clutter the house. Not even parking my car. 
Finally, I am starting school and need a desk so I can put my laptop and work from. Well his desk is taking up space in the master with his computer and all his electronics (I can't touch it either). That's not even all of it. I have to ask him about any decorations I want to place in the house so he doesn't feel like he has no say. 
I have a high risk pregnancy and all I get is stress. I can't say I find the counseling effective (as I'm still getting yelled and even cursed at sometimes) and I resent him more and more each day. I hate the fact that he will put cartoons and games and the computer before me- even his friends have more of a say than I do. 
Could use sound advice!