When people complain they are fat 🙄

A 💕

When people have just had a baby, its okay to not bounce back to your own shape straight away. Some people dont notice cause they are spending so much time enjoying their baby, some people notice and choose to not do anything straight away, but the people who notice and say "Omg im so fat now and theres nothing I can do because im looking after my baby 24/7"

There is 100% something people can do to exercise with a baby, they are making excuses. Unless there is something medically wrong, then there is always time for exercise!

Even just going out for a walk or light jog with the pushchair is good!

I do squats when I am holding my baby, it even helps her fall asleep so win-win there!

When your baby is playing on the floor or doing tummy time, lay next to them and instead of just laying there with them, add in a couple of sit ups or planks.

Even baby-wearing and doing alot of walking counts because your baby acts as a weight. So if you are unhappy and using your baby as a reason to not exercise I have just given you a few doable things to get you started 😉

There are plenty more too!