Deee • Married. 06/03 🤵🏻👰🏽 babygirl : 07/28/18 💕 baby #2 on the way 🤰🏽

OMG OMG OMG OMG I️ can’t believe it!

So a little background ive had pcos since i was 13 or 15. Me and my husband have been ttc for almost 2 years! My period has been last for a bout a week or so I️ believe. I️ didn’t want to test bc I️ didn’t want to see a negative sign. But I️ got this! And I’m shocked! Although i took metformin all month of October 500 mg twice a day! How accurate are the dollar store pregnancy test ?! Could this be real ?! Is this my bfp?!