Lost mirena


So my husband and I had chosen for me to get the mirena put in after we had our daughter in August since we know we don't want any more kids but my doctor won't tie my tubes until I'm 30. I'm 26 now. During insertion it got lost. My doctor thought it was in place, got out the sonogram to check, and bam just like that it was gone. So I go for an X-ray and sure enough it's just floating around inside my body. Not connected to anything. And in a place it cant be removed without surgery. He says now he's willing to tie my tubes because he'll be in there to "hopefully" remove it anyways. My husband is beyond pissed because that's what we asked for in the first place. Now the issues are first off they don't even know for certain if they can get it with the surgery and second who's going to pay for all that? My husband thinks they should cover it since it's their fault. (Not the tube tying part) I can't find any stories like this online. I have no history with anything like this. Is there someone to contact?