

so I need to rant. my daughter is 8 months and she's been having tummy troubles and she's been constipated. I told my mom and my sister (who are my baby sitters) to lay off table food until I get it under control, but do you think they'd listen? NO. we made pumpkin rolls today and I stepped into the other room for a second and I over heard them and my aunt giving her sugar, the icing to the pumpkin rolls and then my aunt dipped her binky in powdered sugar. I am still furious. and to top this off. I laid her down for a nap and she just started crying. well she was fighting sleep so that's to be expected. so what does my sister do? comes right in and gets her out of bed and my had the nerve to say that she wouldn't lay down. then I told them not to take her to my aunt's right away bc I was still getting things ready (me and my aunt share a duplex) but they still took her over anyways 10 minutes after that. is it wrong of me to be this mad? I just feel like no one is respecting my parenting choices or whatever you wanna call it.