Possibly Pregnant. UPDATE


Ok so my husband and I have been trying for a baby for a while now. my period is currently late and I've been really moody and hungry lately. I have a lot going on so it could be stress so I'm gonna wait a little bit before taking a test. I'm excited that I could be a mom soon but I'm also really worried. My mother, brother, and I are at the end of a court case and I know as soon as everything is over they will be showing up on my doorstep. I want nothing to do with them after everything they have done and I want no child of mine anywhere near them. I already know that's going to cause a massive fight that could very well become violent, wouldn't be the first time hense the court case. Even if I manage to get them out of the way, I still have my mother in law whom has it in her head that my husband and I have to have her approval for anything and everything in our lives, including when we have a kid. So I'm concerned about her going off telling us we aren't aloud to have kids yet and that I can't be pregnant because she doesn't want to be a grandmother. To top those two off, my husband is a sociopath so I have no really idea if he's actually excited to be a dad or if it's just another thing to him. He doesn't know or understand how to act in certain situations, and unfortunately this is one of them. I have no clue how he's going to handle my mother and his mother plus a baby. Hell, I don't know how I'm going to handle all of that. I really want to be pregnant but I don't want to deal with all the drama I know is going to come along with it. UPDATE: I'm pregnant. 2 Positive tests back to back. First appointment is in December.