Let's still keep trying

Fatima • happily engaged will be married as soon as planned. Hoping for what the future holds on to.

So today I took the pregnancy test sadly it's a negative but it's okay I can still keep trying and still have no worries if God don't want me pregnant this month I hope either December or January I become a mom to be... All you ladies who still trying to become a Mom to be don't worry if you come out negative still realize you can keep trying and if you still aren't pregnant on the month or day you want to be and you are working like I am you still got lots of time to save up money for your needs and for your soon best future you'll have.. So I know that some ladies that are pregnant that are saying baby dust to those that are still trying to become pregnant well I'll send "No AF dust" to all that's still trying and still conceiving even tho my "lady moments" might happen in few more days...