I'm losing it!!



I'm 9DPO and to be honest i have lost all mental strength and can't symptom spot anymore because everytime i do I'm always proved wrong.

I have been trying for 4 years and no luck...I have completely lost hope, I have tried everything out there, been checked by a fertility specialist and all is fine with me and my husband but still no luck....We have decided on <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and our first cycle will start towards the end of January but all those months I have had negatives and i have completely broken down and don't have the srength, I'm so scared that <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> won't wotk either.

Please guys keep me in you're prayers and lots of baby dust to everyone ttc.

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Posted at
If trying to get pregnant stressing you out that could possibly be why. Stress messes with your hormones bad. And since you’re getting negatives it adds onto the stress:( I’ve noticed a lot of women on here who give up on trying and not try anymore they get pregnant right away. Try not to stress. I know it’s hard since it’s been 4 years of trying. Try not trying and go with the flow and see what happens!:)


Emily • Nov 19, 2017
You’re welcome and good luck and try to stay stress free!:)


na • Nov 19, 2017
yes, my family tells me the same and to be honest that's what i feel like doing now...thanks for the advice...x


Posted at
Praying for you and your husband ❤️❤️


na • Nov 19, 2017
Thanks, it means alot...x


Posted at
Hugs x


na • Nov 19, 2017
thanks! x