no heartbeat at 7 weeks



I had 2 positive at home tests. adder so much excitement my husband and I went to the doctor yesterday. I've been concerned because I've been bleeding and spotting some for 5 dais now. all the blogs say house normal it ous and not to worry. after a sonogram yesterday we see there's a sac but no heartbeat. hafta go back Wednesday for a second sonogram but it may be the beginning stages of a miscarry. I'm trying to stay positive but I also don't want to get my hopes up. doctor said on a scale of 1-10 his concern is a level 7. any words of wisdom?

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Posted at
Heartbeat is just starting at that time. Praying for you. Maybe it was just too early. I know my first one there wasn’t one. I went in because of bleeding. I ended up having subchornionic hematoma. The next ultrasound I had it was 95. Don’t give up hope!


Kara • Nov 19, 2017
No problem. Sometimes they just worry us more than they should


Cassandra • Nov 19, 2017
Thank you!


Posted at
Let’s ya know how you make out!


Posted at
Depends how far you Are. Are you definitely 7 weeks?


Danni • Nov 19, 2017
Good luck


Cassandra • Nov 19, 2017
according to my ovulation schedule it puts me at about 7 weeks but were hoping that it's earlier then that and we get good news Wednesday. thats our only hope