How to mend a broken heart?

Myracle • *Yeets Into Traffic*

Over 4 months ago, my relationship ended with my boyfriend. We were together for 2 1/2 years. We planned on getting married, as well as living together. I had started saving money from each check I had gotten from my job, so we can start building our future.

He was my first, for everything...

I feel that it's my fault for him leaving me...

I've tried everything to make myself feel better, but I still end up in tears.

What can I do?..

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My boyfriend of 2.5 years broke up with me a month ago, we were supposed to be moving forward together with a house etc..too. I feel your pain hun. I’m studying so I’ve focused all of my energy into that and it helps a little. Just try to let yourself be sad but give yourself a time limit to that. Take yourself for a walk, coffee, go do some cooking or watch a documentary...just go do something to take yourself away from being sad. You’ll mend! You’ll also learn from this, believe me xx


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I wish there was a switch to turn off a broken heart. Unfortunately, its something that takes time to get over. I've been there. I've sat on my bed crying for days, not eating, just being down right depressed. Until I understood my value. No one deserves your tears. What worked for me was crying everything out and giving myself some time to sit in my pity, but after a week, I said no more. I got up, got dressed and took myself out on a date. That's when I realized there is SO much beauty in being single. You learn things about yourself you never knew before. I understand your hurt, but also try to look at this new chapter as an opportunity to love yourself more and put yourself first in all aspects. Being single for some time is truly a game changer once you get into a relationship because you have such a clear understanding on what it is you deserve and who you are as a person. Take this experience and learn from it. If you really want to get over him, I'd highly recommend blocking him on anything and everything possible. Cold turkey. Getting rid of any of his belongings or anything he's given you. If you have any pictures, delete them. Cutting someone out cold turkey is one of the easiest ways to forget a person. If you need someone to talk to, you can always message me. Much love. xoxo


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I went through something similar. I was madly in love with him but he left and I kept trying to tell myself it was my fault but I let that go! Yes we may have made a mistake but who doesn't? And if he really loved me the way he said then he wouldn't have given up on us so easy, especially after so long! I eventually put those thoughts out of my head and started focusing on ME and basically started life over, being as it was just me now and I was single. After that, I started dating again and if nothing else gets your mind off of him, then someone who's WAAAAAY better than him will! A broken heart is one of the most hardest things I went through and then I met the LOML and I have never been any more thankful for my ex leaving me than when I met my SO.. Long post I know but basically you can't get over it until you stop blaming yourself, crawl from under your rock, and not being afraid to love again..


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Time. Time will always mend a broken heart. Everyone will say it, and it seems like the stupidest thing in the world, but it’s so true. It took me over a year to completely mend myself and become true to my boyfriend now. Sometimes I still break, thinking about what my ex put me through, and being terrified I’ll end up with the same results with my boyfriend. But those are always the risks. Give yourself and only yourself time: take a nice bubble bath, read a good book, watch your favorite movies, eat some chocolate, go run. Just focus making yourself happy only for a while before you give yourself to someone new