How to deal with mis-match of sex drive

I know this is a common theme in posts, but I could really do with some insights. I love my SO and I want to express that through sex, but his sex drive is much lower than mine. I try to initiate but he is tired or not in the mood. After a while I become upset by this because it feels like constant rejection and that he is in complete control of when we do or don't have sex. He, on the other hand, gets really pissed off with me for making him feel bad about it ( which I don't intentionally set out to do ). The thing that gets me is that he wasn't like this at the beginning so I feel like his feelings towards me have changed. He tells me this isn't the case and nothing else would lead me to think they have. He's very caring, loving and thoughtful. Perhaps I just need to accept it even though I feel my needs on this front are not being met? We have sex maybe three times a month.. When we do, it's incredible but I just want more! Any stories or advice gratefully received!