Update:: My hubbys been depressed.. send him this at work to cheer up?

Ellie • Abbigail Mae • 01.14.17 • Finnegan Jakob : 01.28.18 : /09.27.19 Tessa Elise /🥰🌼

My husband has been extremely depressed, stressed and we haven’t had sex in awhile. Nothing bad is going on and I know his libido has been low due to stress with money. So today I finally found the effort to shave at 27 weeks pregnant. Now it’s not pretty but it’s what he likes and I don’t mind it so I was wondering if I should send him a little naughty picture? Not the whole thing or even showing, just maybe a tease picture?

🤔 would you?

Update: I was so nervous so I sent him a tease message early in the day. Right before he got home I sent the picture and when he got home we had mindblowing sex 😏 I don’t usually initiate it so it was a first for me!!! He loved it! I feel so good and more connected to him than I have lately. It was nice to feel that connection again 💖