Help!!!! I might be falling into depression

Today has been a rough day and the past months too... I could write the whole story but I can't even find the strengths based on the condition I'm in now. I've been living with my bf for almost two years and I've headed back home but he is still there and will return once he is done doing his course. it's only been four days and so far we got into a fight on the sec day because of a girl he texted and now on the 4th day I'm getting cold shoulders and I'm being full out ignored for no specific reason he has been online but clearly has avoided my texts he even went out where to I have no idea...I'm here loosing my mind and train of thought because now I feel maybe I was used during the time I was living with him and now that I'm not there maybe I am of no use and this is terrible because I've lost myself and I've become depressed for sometime where I can't even be around friends because I feel my energy wouldn't be good around them...I need help motivation and words of encouragement and advice because Im stuck on my bed barely can sleep I need help