New Here! TTC for a little under a year now! Nice to meet you all!


I’m about 1 year TTC with my fiancé and I just wanted to ask if you had any tips for conceiving. I’m starting to give up😓 we have tried so much I just don’t know what to do now and it’s breaking my heart because I don’t feel like I’m good enough... and I feel like I’m letting my partner down... he is so supportive and understanding but I know it hurts him too...

I’ve noticed that since we have been TTC it’s been extremely hard on us mentally, it’s so hard trying and then just seeing that no matter what it’s not working. Which hits my self-esteem really hard... anyone have any coping ideas or have you gone through the same thing? idk if you have any advice or anything in general at all that you can pass along. But at this point anything helps!