What you think?

Brittany • Mother to two beautiful girls and expecting my first son.

So, I’ve been having seizures or something since April before I was pregnant. It happens like every one or two months or so. It takes me down fast to the point where I can not even take care of my two girls for like a week.

Anyway, I had one last night while in the bath and am currently 29 weeks pregnant. He is fine and moving around and I’m not spotting, but last night my husband said he would help and all, then all night I literally had to pull myself out of bed to get to my kids when they woke up, and even walk to the bathroom, let me remind you I’m extremely weak. Like I’ve been hit by a bus.

Well, he slept all night then ended up going to work, h but I have I get, but he told me he was gonna stay home to help with the girls today, but didn’t, and my sister is helping me, thank god. It’s just, I feel he isn’t here to help me when I absolutely need it. Like this is serious and i am pregnant on top of having seizures or whatever these are and I feel he isn’t really concerned or anything... he did say he was gonna get out of work early, but I just feel like he isn’t really in it for better or for worse.
