am I the only one who can't stand when people refer to me as "baby mama " ?! We are engaged, one child.

My fiance`s brothers girlfriend always refers to me as a baby mama whenever she's upset about seeing my face . ;) She knows little to nothing about me, and assumes because I'm home when she gets home that I don't have a job. She follows me on twitter and posts things about me as if I don't see then sometimes tries to smile in my face. uh uh! Recent post was how it must be nice to sleep all day. I'm sorry, my child and I are sick. we were able to squeeze in an hour nap. didnt know that was "All day " then refers to me as a stupid baby mama. I have a ring on my finger, its been 12 years for you and your "man" and still nothing. He doesn't even like to talk about anything leading in that direction because he told us he plans on leaving her. This turned into a rant but I HATE the term baby mama!

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