12week u/s guess by doc right..?

Courtney • 26🎂PCOS & Hypothyroid🤦🏼‍♀️ Momma to 2 Angel’s👼🏻👼🏻 and Rainbow Baby🌈 💜 Pregnant With Another Rainbow 🌈 Stronger Than Infertility💪🏼

So at our 12 week scan, the doc took a guess on our Little’s gender. I am curious to know if anyone else’s doctor did this and if they were right!? I’m really trying not to get too excited yet. I’m almost 14 weeks now and we are doing g a 3D/4D/Live ultrasound at 16 weeks. And I’m trying to go in expecting anything but I’m super curious if anyone else found out the early guess was right!?