Sex for the first time😍

So my bf and I had sex for the first time on one of my fertile days which said 27% chance, but we had protected sex the whole time from start to end... since a it’s my first time I can honestly say I loved it❤️🙏 the thing is that I was a little scared because he bought me the plan b pill because he said he would never trust condoms 100%, he told me if I wanted to take it just in case... he assured me that everything was fine, he pulled out and everything and told me I was fine and not to worry. But then again told me if I wanted to take it or not it was ok and that he would not force me to. I did not take it because I trust him and because I don’t want my hormones to be all fucked up due to the plan b side effects... what do u guys think? It’s been a day after having intercourse, should I worry?

P.s he already has experience