37 weeks 5 days will they induce me?


Hi ladies,

I haven’t been feeling well since this past Thursday. I ran to City Md because I thought I had strep. Both the rapid and culture caramel back negative. I also had sinus pressure and was very clogged. I thought I’d feel better by now 😕 since Saturday everything is coming out neon yellow. 🤦🏻‍♀️ so now I think it’s a sinus infection. I’m glad I have the baby doc today and my throat is hurting again and my left ear is so clogged it’s hard to hear.

Do I think they’ll induce me? So I don’t have to take antibiotics? This will be the 3rd time this pregnancy I’ve taken antibiotics. 😩

I’m so beyond ready, also I believe I lost my mucus plug Sunday morning at 2:30am.