What were your early labor symptoms and how long till you delivered?


Baby has dropped. My Dr said his head is engaged, my cervix is thinned but just not dilated and that sweet baby boy is trying hard to get out. This happened at 29w5d. I'm now a week after in preterm labor with early contractions but they are not considered active because they do stop but sometimes last all day and night. Dr has me on strict bed rest I'm in early labor trying to prevent active labor, hate the contractions and knowing they will be getting worse I just want my son to keep baking and get bigger and healthier and stronger...fingers crossed he stays in at least another month! Although he is already over 4 pounds 😳 anyone else experience anything similar and what were your pre-labor symptoms and how long between symptoms and delivery? This pregnancy is completely different from my first pregnancy I feel like a first timer! Any input and advice is greatly appreciated!